Welcome Live Embodied Celebrations!


Have you ever had an inspired idea born out of your own desire and/or because someone else had a desire and you just happened to have a solution? Did you share the solution and they were game to implement it? What happened?

Over two years ago, a friend had expressed a desire to do something fun and different to celebrate her birthday. At the time, I had only been teaching for only a few weeks and I offered to gift her a special class. I didn't tell her much about what I had planned, I just KNEW that it was going to be a much more sensual, sexy and playful class because everyone that would be there already knew each other.

In that space, there's a different level of freedom and permission that is a catalyst for magic and deeper connection within each woman and each other. 

Celebrations are a bit like Vegas..."what happens in the Celebrations, stays in the Celebrations." So, what can I share from that Celebration or from the many others after it?

Hmmm...witnessing ecstatic love and beauty in each woman, unabashed playfulness, and the giving and receiving of love. It's an unforgettable experience that I've seen women give to themselves and each other. It consistently shows up in some form EVERY time. How we get there? I never know the exact details ahead of time, but what I do know is when I get to open and hold that space for women to get in their bodies the magic of love penetrates, heals and takes everyone higher. Everyone feels loved and celebrated.

It's two years in the making.

There's a part of me that can't believe I'm officially finally sharing this with the world and there's another part that is ready. It's a reminder that everything has it's time. When it's ready, it's ready. 

You may have seen my posts on social media or heard me mention them in my classes or might have heard other women talk about it. I realized this morning that I equate this offering as a precious jewel that I "keep in the back" and that my clients who've heard or know ask for it. So, what is it exactly?

Do you want to be a:

Come read all about it here.

I'm giving a 10% discount off the first 10 ladies who book a Live Embodied Celebration by May 18th!

I hope you love her as much as I do!

Always love,


Bed-embodiment & Invitation


Blooming Spring